Tagged: Safe at Home with Pride

Safe at Home with Pride 2023

An under-examined aspect of safety for youth is being safe to be themselves in emotional and mental ways, and that includes having people in their lives who use the language that resonates with who they are – be that gender designations, names, or labels.

Despite what parents, teachers, and kids in the schoolyard have said for generations, sticks and stones may break my bones, but hateful words can leave deeper wounds that are slower to heal. And yet, many people resist something that costs them nothing: using respectful language.

Helpful resources

In Victoria, the Greater Victoria School District has created a library of helpful resources for those who want to understand the terminology of sexual orientations, gender identity, and gender expression.

Safe at Home with Pride – parade sign up

Safe at Home with Pride, running from June 1 – July 15, is one of the most significant campaigns in the Threshold year. With youth on the sexual orientation and gender identity spectrums massively over-represented in youth homelessness, Pride season is a prime opportunity for Threshold to show the community and our youth that we create safe spaces, that they belong, and that we celebrate them.