Threshold Housing Society was born out of concern from community members in response to the number of people living on the streets, supported by Rick Sandberg, an Anglican Street Chaplain. From that concern, and thanks to the generous support of a wide range of community members and organizations, Threshold has grown to offer homes, support, and hope.


Anglican parishioners form a non-profit society to serve the growing population of homeless people in Greater Victoria 


Recognizing the dire need for youth housing, Threshold opens Mitchell House v. 1 – on Trutch Street – for young men at risk of homelessness


Holly House opens to house young women at risk of homelessness

Threshold receives charitable status with the Canada Revenue Agency


Threshold launches Safe Housing for Youth (SHY), supported, independent living throughout Greater Vicotria

The Foundations Program is developed to offer a full slate of wrap-around supports to youth


The generous bequest of Westall House begins Threshold’s opportunities in property ownership. Not a fit for programming, it is soon sold


Another generous bequest, Forrest House is Threshold’s first owned property to house youth


Partnering with Oak Bay United Church, Threshold opens Threshold House, a flagship home welcoming youth of all gender identities


Threshold purchases property in James Bay to house its innovative Supportive Recovery Program, a harm-reduction program for youth ready to reduce their reliance on substances


A transformative $3.1 million gift from Carole and Clint Forster allows financial stability and continued growth to meet the challenge of youth homelessness

Threshold hires an in-house counsellor to provide youth with quick, free access to professional counselling in an environment they trust


With the launch of the Family and Natural Support program, Threshold offers early intervention in preventing youth homelessness


So much more to come!

Annual Reports

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