Platinum Sponsors

Coast Capital Logotype_RGB_OceanBlue
HDCF and Orange Door - web

Coast Capital Savings 

For several years, Coast Capital has supported Threshold Housing through their Social Impact investments and corporate vision to help vulnerable youth today for a healthier community tomorrow.

Coast Capital’s support was vital in opening Threshold House, supports life-skills training for youth, and removes financial barriers to youth beginning their careers and moving out on their own after Threshold.

Home Depot & Home Depot Canada Foundation

Threshold is the charity of choice for both Home Depot stores in Greater Victoria, benefitting twice a year from the Orange Door Project campaign. Store associates also support “Team Depot” projects that include donations of goods and volunteer hours that have completed updates to Threshold House and created garden beds for youth to grow nutritious food. 

Through the Home Depot Canada Foundation, Threshold has received grants specific to preventing youth homelessness, and renovating spaces. 

Funding leaders

Victoria Foundation - End Youth Homelessness - Victoria BC

The Victoria Foundation is a leader among community foundations in Canada. At Threshold, the Victoria Foundation provides community grant funding to support the prevention of youth homelessness and operations at Threshold House, donor advised and private fund donations, and were instrumental in Threshold receiving the Forster’s transformative gift in 2022. 

Like the Victoria Foundation, the United Way of Southern Vancouver Island provides multiple kinds of funding as well as leadership regarding community needs and collaborations. UWSVI grants support the operations of Threshold House, our in-house counselling programs, and directed donations through their workplace campaign as used for highest need. 

Service Clubs

Rotary Education Pursuit Fund

Created in 2021 by the Rotary Club of Oak Bay, the Rotary Education Pursuit Fund removes financial barriers to education for youth receiving support from Threshold Housing. The flexibility of this fund allows Threshold to fill the gaps in funding for education, even for those youth who qualify for tuition waivers or academic awards. 

In 2023, the Rotary Club of Victoria-Saanich and Rotary Club of Victoria-Harbourside matched the Rotary Club of Oak Bay with $10,000 gifts each. Youth continue to be amazed by this support for their education. 

Victoria Womens Newcomers Club
Oak Bay Kiwanis Club
Victoria Chinatown Lioness Lions Club
Royal Canadian Legion, Britannia #7

Corporate Supporters

Country Grocer
SnapUp Real Estate/Rate My
Hinterland Games
Urban Grocer
Adventure Clothing
Silk Road Tea
Oak Bay Bikes
KCC Restoration & Carpet Cleaning
Adventure Clothing

Core Funders

island health

Our deep thanks

Every gift from every kind of donor is meaningful for the staff and youth at Threshold Housing. Knowing we are part of a caring community makes a difference everyday. In 2023 alone, Threshold was graced with gifts from 31 companies, 5 service clubs, and more than 25 faith organizations

While we cannot list every donor and supporter here, please know that your contributions are appreciated and make a difference. 

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