In-house counselling program

“The in-house counselling program is new at Threshold and sometimes it’s hard to believe that we didn’t offer this service earlier! I meet for one-on-one counselling sessions with several youth to work together on their mental well-being and goals related to topics such as family history, relational stress, school and career anxiety, grief and loss, isolation, complex trauma, and more. It is a joy and an honour for me to witness the youth grow and heal. In addition, I facilitate a psychoeducational support group every week, Building Healthy/ier Relationships, to help youth enhance their knowledge and skills to, well, build healthy/ier relationships. Each session has a different focus, such as relationship beliefs, communication, boundaries, and power dynamics. We have a lot of fun as we learn together! Overall, the counselling program is an invaluable aspect of Threshold’s wraparound service model, and I am so grateful that I get to fulfill it.” –

Macayla Yan aka Threshold’s in House Clinical Counsellor


May be an image of office and living room


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