Farewell to Marion Little

On August 18, 2010, the Threshold family bade farewell to Marion Little, Threshold’s Executive Director since 2007. Marion was instrumental in setting a more professional agenda for the Society, hiring competent supervisors and staff, negotiating funding from the ministry, and building a profile of Threshold in the community.  Marion remains an Associate Canon with the Anglican Diocese and provides numerous Non-Violent Communication workshops throughout the year to various agencies.  She is presently the interim Executive Director with the Oaklands Community Centre in Victoria.  Marion continues to keep in contact with Threshold, advocating for at-risk youth.  Many, many thanks Marion!

Marion Little accepts a hand-stitched quilt from Board Director, Richard Couch. The quilts are provided to each resident upon leaving a Threshold house. They symbolize the wish that each youth finds a safe sanctuary to call home, filled with warmth and hope. Marion excelled in making this ritual a memorable one for many departing youths.





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