Virtual movie screenings are back!

Join Threshold Housing Society for a virtual screening of the documentary 19 & Homeless on Wednesday May 5th, 12th, 19th at 7pm or Friday May 28th at 3pm.

This documentary captures two years in the lives of a group of former foster youth as they age out of care and transition into adulthood. This documentary includes a Threshold graduate’s journey from aging out of foster care to being supported by the Threshold program. This film captures youth navigating their challenges, barriers, their trauma, as well as their moments of joy.

Get your free ticket here.

You can watch the trailer here:


In British Columbia, when a youth in government care turns 19 years old they often lose access to essential support services, such as their housing, social worker, mental health services, and financial support. Youth age out of care, whether they are ready or not – at an age that is often already challenging and stressful. Due to the unprecedented times we are living in, youth in BC have just been granted a reprieve from aging out of care. This is an encouraging step in the right direction, although at this time it is a temporary shift. We must continue to highlight the various challenges, barriers, and trauma youth aging out often face. Why? Aging out of care without appropriate supports in place is often cited as a risk factor that leads to experiences of youth homelessness. We especially know this through the youth we serve. It is also often stated that only 28% of people know that youth age out of government care after their 19th birthday. So, now until June 31st, we will be bringing awareness to the challenges youth in care are exposed to when aging out. We look forward to highlighting stories of lived experience, articles, research, and stats on our social media pages. This year, we will also be sharing local Indigenous organizations and the incredible work they are doing in our community with youth. We can’t discuss aging out of care without highlighting that Indigenous youth are over represented in the child welfare system due to ongoing legacy of colonialism. Join us and help us spread the word by sharing our posts! #ReadyOrNotAgingOutOfCare


Today is #InternationalTransDayofVisibility. This day started as a day of awareness to celebrate individuals who identify as trans and gender non-conforming. This day is also a day for allies and advocates to show up and show support!

Here are 5 ways you can be an ally:
1. Listen – make sure you are centering trans and gender non-conforming people and not yourself.
2. State your pronouns – sharing your pronouns can make a space more inclusive and safe for people to also share their pronouns.
3. When you mess up – apologize and move forward.
4. Use gender inclusive language.
5. Help spread awareness- share posts and help educate your friends and family


Threshold Housing Society Expands Services to include a Supportive Recovery Program for Youth

Threshold Housing Society is expanding our service delivery model to include a supportive recovery program for youth who are battling substance use issues. In partnership with Island Health, Threshold Housing will offer youth a safe and supportive environment as they access a recovery-oriented and healing-focused program.

Coordinated, accessible and low-barrier services that meet youth ‘where they are at’ are particularly important during the opioid crisis, given that youth are a highly vulnerable group in terms of substance use. The Threshold Supportive Recovery Program is providing eight supportive recovery beds and host family bed in Greater Victoria to meet the health and social needs of a wide range of youth and support them on their wellness and recovery journey.  These beds are part of a reconfiguration of youth substance use beds in Victoria.


We are so excited to share, that in response to the opioid crisis, and with the knowledge that youth are a highly vulnerable group in terms of unhealthy substance use, Threshold Housing Society is expanding our service delivery model, to ensure youth have a safe and supportive environment to work on their substance use issues and have access to a recovery-oriented and healing-focused support program. This will create eight supportive recovery beds and one host family bed in Greater Victoria and will contribute to healthier and brighter futures for at-risk youth. The Supportive Recovery Housing Program will feature an inter-disciplinary team that includes a Clinical Addictions Counsellor, Indigenous Cultural Worker, case manager and more. Seven days a week, youth will have access to a robust recovery-oriented program, all within a safe home environment.



We are so excited to announce that our Silk Road 12 day’s of tea gift boxes are back for the holiday season! You can purchase them online for $20.00 at

Local pick up and delivery available. 💚

We have partnered with Silk Road Tea to create the perfect gift box and it includes 12 different flavours of tea. These make the perfect gift for the holiday season. Gift boxes are $20.00 each and all proceeds come to Threshold Housing and help us be able to continue providing safe housing, support services, and community to at risk youth.


This November & December, Threshold Housing is shining a light on youth homelessness. We believe that every youth in our community deserves a safe place to call home – to find sanctuary and acceptance.

Annually, we host a winter carnival and a tree lighting in Bastion Square to spread awareness of the youth homelessness crisis and to raise funds so that we can continue the work we do to support at-risk youth in our community.

This year we are unable to host the event in Bastion Square due to COVID-19, however, we are virtually continuing to spread awareness of the work we are doing. In these two months, we will be sharing stats, stories, and facts surrounding youth homelessness. We hope that you will consider supporting us this holiday season – so that we can continue to provide safe homes, support services, and community to at-risk youth experiencing homelessness in our community.


At Threshold, October is donor appreciation month. A month where we express how grateful we are for our donors and their support. Support from our donors, whether it is a one-time or a monthly donation, allows us to continue to provide safe homes and brighter futures to the youth we serve. We would not be able to do this important work without the support from our community, and we are grateful that we are surrounded by people like our donors who believe in a community where all youth can thrive.

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